About Frozen Movie Franchise

Frozen is a 2013 American Animated film which was inspired by 'Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale"The Snow Queen" Altogether there are only two feature films in this franchise which are Frozen 1 and Frozen 2.ms, 1 TV special,2 short series, and 1 docuseries till now.



1. Frozen(2013)

The Princess of Adrendelle, Elsa unintentionally employs her abilities to make her kingdom experience constant wintreness. Elsa, sister Anna joins forces with the mountaineer Kristoff and his loyal lender to break the ice spell magic.

2.Frozen Fever(2015-short)

Elsa wants to organize a surprise birthday party with the help of her friends Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf for Anna. Unfortunately, she gets ill and catches a cold creating life animated snowman, which ends up destroying the party decorations.


3. Frozen 2(2019)

Elsa, celebrating the third anniversary of her coronation, encounters a magical voice coming from the north of the kingdom, she again embarks on a journey to find the truth along with her friends.


4. Myth: A Frozen Tale(2020, Short Film)

This short movie is designed to work as a prequel to Frozen 2 and to experience audiences  'VR' Technology. This is set in the same universe but doesn't follow the main storyline of Frozen Movie.


5. Once Upon A Snow MAN(2020, Short Film)

This 21-minute short movie focuses on Olaf(snowman) which introduces the first Frozen(2013) movie. Olaf teams up with Sven on an adventure journey together which provides us with Heartwarming and entertaining moments.
